Pink Ladies hold Christmas Party at Maple Lawn Senior Care

Residents at Maple Lawn Senior Care joined in the fun of the Pink Ladies Christmas Party on Thursday afternoon, beginning with pre-party carols played on the piano by Joan Friese.

Pink Ladies Karen Ommen, Sandy Pearson, Connie Haberman, Marlys Evers and Penni Aanenson began Christmas games with a Carol Recognition. Friese would play a few bars of a carol on the piano and residents had been asked to raise their hand when they recognized the carol. Several of the carols used in the game were “Away in the Manger”, “Deck the Halls”, “Go Tell It On the Mountain”, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and many more.

The next game was a passing of Christmas stockings which held items that could not be seen until the end of the game. Participants were asked to feel from top to bottom on the stocking and raise their hands if they knew what was hidden within. Many of the items were correctly guessed, but several had to be identified later. In the stockings were a soup ladle, a hammer, a flashlight, a tape measure, a potato masher and a flour sifter.

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